Please choose the facility you are receiving services at *

Please indicate your age or the age of the client *

When did you recieved the service?

What is your mental health professional's name? *

Satisfaction with Services and Products provided *

Not at all true Somewhat true Moderately true Very true Completely true N/A
I believe the product/service was helpful to me/ my child or ward.
The product/service I/we received is adequate and reasonable.
The product/service is well provided and understandable on my end.
The professional who handled the product/service is knowledgeable and professional.
I will recommend MindwellPH's product/service to others.
Overall, I was satisfied with the product/service provided.

What did you like the LEAST about the service? *

What did you like the BEST about the service? *

Thank you for answering each of our questions. Please list any other information (comments, suggestions and recommendations) that you would like to share for our reference and evaluation: